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全面升级VI系统 上海蓝欧昂首走向国际



  Brilliant success today.

  Tomorrow will be more glorious.

  上海蓝欧历经15年的研发投入,完整打造了汽车密封件系统表面处理材料上游整条产业链。 It is understood that, Shanghai Lanou Chemical Technology Co., Ltd., after 15 years of research and development investment, the integrity of the automotive seal system surface treatment materials upstream of the whole industry chain. 企业拥有核心技术研发团队和数十项发明技术专利,专注于汽车密封件水基涂层、水性植绒胶水及环保植绒带的研发、制造及销售。 The company has the core technology research and development team and dozens of inventions, technical patents, focusing on automotive seals, water-based coating, water flocking glue and environmental flocking belt research and development, manufacturing and marketing.


  State-level high-tech enterprises


  Shanghai science and technology small giant focuses on nurturing brands.


  International certification brand bradstreet

  15年来,上海蓝欧始终秉承“工匠精神”深入市场、革新技术、研发产品,成功突破长久困扰汽车密封系统动态异响难题,领先全球。此项技术,先后赢得上汽、广汽、通用、长安、吉利、东风等主机厂认证,推动汽车密封系统迈向新时代!为了适应蓝欧的不断发展壮大,适应国际市场需要,自2017年9月1日起,蓝欧全面启用新的VI系统。内容如下: 15 years, Shanghai Lanou has always been adhering to the "craftsman spirit" in-depth market, innovation technology, R & D products, a successful breakthrough in the automotive sealing system has long been plagued by dynamic abnormal sound problems, leading the world. This technology has won the SAIC, GAC, GM, Changan, Geely, Dongfeng and other Main engine factory certification, and promote the automotive seal system toward a new era! In order to adapt to the continuous development of Lanou, and adapt to the needs of the international market, since September 1, 2017, Lanou fully activated the new VI system. As follows:

  品牌LOGO Brand LOGO

  说明:本LOGO以蓝欧谐音“蓝鸥”中的海鸥头部作为主视觉形象,极具品牌记忆点。又以风向标寓意引领行业未来发展方向,侧面展示了上海蓝欧化工蒸蒸日上的市场前景。Deion: this LOGO uses the seagull head as the main visual image. It has a brand memory point. It also guides the future development of the industry with the wind vane, showing the prosperous market prospect of Shanghai Lanou chemical industry.

  包装桶 Packing barrel

  名片 Business card

  验厂邀请函 Invitation

  手提袋 Handbag

  包装箱 Box

  信封 Envelope

  笔记本 Book

  产品总览卡 Product overview card

  产品说明书 Product Manual

  样品瓶 Sample vials

  生产基地 Production base

  生产车间 Production workshop

  中国一流检测设备 China's first class testing equipment